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"People, in some ways, are made up of clay. The kind before it’s been through stages of bisque and glaze firing, and it comes out of the kiln solid and glorious. No, people are malleable, able to bend and take new forms. Their shapes are all different. Some are smoother, some bumpy or rough, but each are unique. In their figures, monochrome etches reveal scenes of their lives—delicate indents from treasured memories, or wounds due to almosts and the saccharine pain of time."

"There’s a word in Greek that means deliverance, preservation, and safety. It translates into English as salvation, and is associated with the concept of three promises for those who follow God: past, present, and future; you have been saved, you are being saved, and you will be saved from sin. Soteira. Allen speaks of it with precision, calls it beautiful. In turn, I feel its weight."

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